We are Alaska's largest softball association with over 200 teams annually. No matter what your skill level, we have a league for you and your team!
Coed: B, C, D, E, Rec, and Faith
Women's: C, D, E/Rec
Men's: C, D, E, F/Rec and Masters 50+
Team Registration Opens: March 4th
Team Registration Closes: April 7th
Play Begins: May 6th
Game Times: 6:30 pm | 7:35 pm | 8:40 pm | 9:45 pm (as needed)
Men's plays on T/Th, Coed plays on M/W/F
Divisions: Upper Coed, Lower Coed, Men's (C and below)
Team Registration Opens: Mid July
Deadline: Early August
Play Begins: Late August
Fees: $375 Team Fee, $35 Player Fee
24 Team Capacity
ASA manages multiple softball fields including the Cartee Field Complex. We are proud to offer these high-quality fields to our leagues and the public. Please help us maintain these fields.
Anchorage Sports has a small staff and limited volunteers, so it's not always possible to have someone enforcing the rules at all times. Please respect your Association by following the rules that help protect our facility and keep fees from going up.
Use this page to find more players or connect with a current team.
2024 Fundraiser tourney
Player Registration opens 4/9/24